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Boca Raton, FL
Stop Feeling Like It's Always A Battle Between You And Your Kid
Call to schedule a free phone consult with therapist and coach, Ashley Waknine.
Parenting is our most important job...and also the hardest
And though you always try to do what's best for your kids, each child has different needs and struggles that can make parenting feel like walking blindfolded through a maze.
When you imagined being a parent, you pictured a child that looks up to you, wants to be around you, wants to listen and embrace your wisdom. Of course you knew parenting would not always be easy, but you thought your relationship would withstand all the obstacles.
When you look at your child today, it hardly feels like you know each other. Your child is emotionally distance, caught up in their own world and has made it clear that you are not allowed in. When you talk to each other there's always resistance. Every conversation leads to a conflict even though your intentions are simply to help them be successful and happy.
It's important to know that parenting today has never been more difficult. The challenges that parents face including technology, busy schedules, and a lack of community, have never been more prominent or more problematic to raising good, healthy kids. And while it's painful to feel so powerless in your child's life, your relationship does not have to stay this way.
Do I need Parent Coaching?
Research has shown that it only takes one caring adult in a child's life to make all the difference. Parent coaching can help you become the parent they need in order to thrive.
Coaching can help you navigate common parenting challenges including:
detached parent-child relationship
A parents authority is only as strong as the relationship itself. Without a strong bond, you are forced to resort to parenting methods like threats, bribes, lectures and punishment all of which cause you to grow further and further apart. The question is not what you think of your child, but what your child thinks of their relationship with you.
resistant & defensive
Your child has become resistant and defensive. It feels like they push back on whatever you say, no matter how well intended you are. You find yourself feeling increasingly frustrated. The more urgency you feel, the more they seem to slam on the breaks. You may have a teenager and feel like something fundamental has changed. They are no longer interested in your POV anymore.
mental health issues
Your child is struggling with their mental and emotional health. Perhaps they've been through a traumatic experience or appear more depressed and anxious than before. You want to be able to help them but you struggle to understand or know what to do. You are worried, and want to bring them back to health.
risky behavior
Perhaps your child has gone from occasional experimentation with alcohol, drugs or vaping to regular usage. Or perhaps they are engaging in self-harming activities. Maybe it's that your once innocent child is becoming sexually promiscuous. Whatever the risky behavior, you are concerned for the safety and wellbeing of your child. But attempts to help them land on deaf ears.
alpha child
Your child has an alpha personality. They always feel the need to be in control and you struggle to remain in the driver seat as the parent. Though they may front a responsible, tough persona, you can see its an act and they are highly insecure underneath. You find yourself feeling out of your depth as they refuse to be parented.
parental stress
The challenges of trying to balance life and responsibilities with being a parent has taken its toll. You find yourself snappy, chronically frustrated and unable to show up as the parent you want to be. You see that your own personal stress is having an affect on your kid. You know something needs to change, but you feel stuck, unsure what to do.
replaced by peers
Your child has become attached to their friends in a way that competes with your own relationship and authority to parent. You see your child morph into the personality of their peers after a few hours together. You worry that they cannot maintain your family's beliefs, values or their own individuality.
parenting methods are not working
You feel like you've tried everything in your attempts to parent but methods like rule setting, consequences, even rewards and reinforcement aren't working. You are at a loss for what to do and worry about what might happen if you give up.
Screen time fighting
You see your child endlessly scrolling on social media, unable to disengage from technology or have real, communication with others. Maybe it affects their ability to sleep well. They are attached to technology 24/7 and it's getting in the way.
Clinical evidence has shown that parent coaching is effective in reducing combative behavior in children and adolescents. When you come to us for coaching, you will:

What Our Parent Coaching Process Looks Like
What Makes Us Different
We put our relationship with you first and back it up with high-quality, research-supported approaches. We lead with authenticity and work hard to relate to you on your level. Our approach to treatment is fully individualized because you are unique. The most common evidence-based methods we include are Attachment Based Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Developmental Approach.
Attachment-based therapy helps parents use the power of relationship to strengthen parental influence and raise healthy, happy children.
A developmental approach assists parents in understanding healthy growth and development. Coaches parents on how to handle their child's mental health and behavior challenges that can cause developmental stuckness.
ACT is a mindfulness-based behavior therapy that can help parents learn new ways of dealing with their own thoughts, emotions and challenges so it has less impact and influence on the growth and development of their children.
Frequently asked questions
If you feel like your struggles are impacting your mental health than counseling may be required in conjunction with parent coaching for best outcomes. Parent Coaching is designed to increase your effectiveness as a parent, not address personal mental health conditions.
The process of change takes time and consistent treatment is critical for success. We recommend once/week sessions until you are achieving your parenting goals. Sessions can gradually reduce when goals have been achieved and you are working to maintain progress.
No. Parent coaching is individual work and this distinguishes it from family therapy.
Coaching services are not currently covered by most insurance providers. If you have a plan that accepts out-of-network coaching services, we are happy to supply a monthly superbill for reimbursement.