Category: Uncategorized

  • Ways To Help Your Child Overcome Laziness

    Do you have a kid who appears lazy? Are they always playing video games, watching TV, and not doing their chores or homework? If so, it’s time to change things up. Some kids are naturally more active than others but all kids can learn to be more productive in life. The word ‘lazy’ is a…

  • Reasons Your Child May Be Lying To You

    It’s important to develop an open and honest relationship with your child. However, it can be hard to do when they’re not telling you the truth. If you think your child is lying to you, don’t assume that they are trying to hurt you. Instead, look at their behavior and potential reasons why they might…

  • Why Does My Teen Act Like Their Friends?

    You might be wondering why your teen is losing their individuality and acting like their friends. This can be especially frustrating if those friends are always getting into trouble, sneaking out of their parents’ house at night, and are generally being a nuisance.  Your child’s friends may have more influence over them than you do.…

  • Important Parenting Shifts You’ll Need When Your Child Becomes A Teenager

    Try to parent a teenager like a child and you will set yourself up for frequent power struggles. There are important parenting shifts that need to be made when your child becomes a teenager. Teenagers no longer feel like children. Most teenagers prefer to be treated like the adult they are becoming rather than the…

  • How To Help My Child Become Self Confident

    Self-confidence is something that we often take for granted. It can be profoundly impacted by many factors in our lives. As children grow up, their self-confidence can be impacted by how they’re treated at home or school to the way their parents treat others around them. However, there are plenty of ways you can help…

  • Should I Let My Child Take Mental Health Medication

    When your child has a mental illness, it’s natural to want to do anything to help them feel better. One option is medication. However, it’s normal that you’ll have many questions come up when considering whether or not your child should take prescription medications for their mental health condition.  Mental health conditions are common in…

  • What To Do If My Child Tells Me They Want To Commit Suicide

    If your child has told you they want to commit suicide, the next step is to discuss what they meant. This is an important step because it can help you understand their intentions and feelings. Remember that open-ended questions may be helpful, such as: Tell me more about what you meant when you said “I…

  • How To Help Your Anxious Teenager

    Your teen is going through a lot, and you want to know how to help your anxious teenager. You know that anxiety isn’t something that’s easy to talk about. It’s important to know that anxiety is a normal part of life and can be caused by many things. However, if it is causing your child…

  • How Phone Use Affects Teen Mental Health

    A lot of parents wonder how phone use affects their teen’s mental health, well-being and development. When your teen uses his or her phone, you wonder, is it a healthy form of self-expression, relaxation,  or is it detrimental to their mental health? It can be difficult to know the answer.  What are the effects of…

  • What Is Systemic Family Therapy?

    Systemic family therapy (SFT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the relationships between family members and their interactions with each other. It does this by looking at the family as a whole and examining how each member contributes to the dynamics within the family system, such as how they converse with one another…