Category: Mental Health Counseling

  • How To Help Your Child With Self-Regulation

    It can be difficult to help your child with self-regulation. You want them to understand that their emotions are normal and that it’s okay for them to feel bad or low sometimes. However, you also don’t want them getting caught up in those negative feelings forever. Here are some ways you can help your child…

  • What is Parental Splitting and Why is It Dangerous?

    Parental splitting is becoming an increasingly common occurrence within families that have internal conflict. Parental splitting alludes to the ‘splitting’ or detachment of a child from one parent. In matters of divorce, this parent is usually the one that the child does not reside with, which is typically the father. If parental splitting gets to…

  • Why Parents Should Have Counseling If Their Kids Are

    It’s hard to navigate the complexities of parenting a struggling child. The task can feel daunting, scary, and overwhelming at times. It is normal for parents to question themselves and the best steps to take. And although caring for their own health and well-being may feel like a luxury during a crisis, parents maintain a…

  • Should I Let My Child Take Mental Health Medication

    When your child has a mental illness, it’s natural to want to do anything to help them feel better. One option is medication. However, it’s normal that you’ll have many questions come up when considering whether or not your child should take prescription medications for their mental health condition.  Mental health conditions are common in…

  • What To Do If My Child Tells Me They Want To Commit Suicide

    If your child has told you they want to commit suicide, the next step is to discuss what they meant. This is an important step because it can help you understand their intentions and feelings. Remember that open-ended questions may be helpful, such as: Tell me more about what you meant when you said “I…

  • How To Help Your Anxious Teenager

    Your teen is going through a lot, and you want to know how to help your anxious teenager. You know that anxiety isn’t something that’s easy to talk about. It’s important to know that anxiety is a normal part of life and can be caused by many things. However, if it is causing your child…

  • Overcome Intrusive Thoughts: The Ultimate Guide

    Overcoming intrusive thoughts can be very difficult. In fact, research illustrates a ‘boomerang effect’ in which the more we try to not think about a thought, the louder it tends to become. A great example to explain this is like when you have a song stuck in your head and the more you keep trying to get…

  • Self-harm: The Ultimate Guide To Overcoming Self-harm

    Self-harm is when we intentionally cause damage to the surface of our bodies through actions such as cutting, hitting, or burning ourselves. However, most of the time these actions are not done with the intention of committing suicide, but rather with the motivation to get relief from mental pain or to actually feel something after feeling emotionally…

  • What is Depression? : The Ultimate Guide To Depression

      What is depression? A question that is being asked more as the illness becomes more and more prevalent. With depression seeming to become more common, it’s important for us to acknowledge how serious an issue depression is. We care so much when our bodies are going through a physical ailment, but what about our…