Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Encourage Therapy When You See Signs Of Teen Depression

    As a parent, it can be concerning to see your teenager showing signs of depression but refusing therapy. While you understand that therapy may feel uncomfortable for them, it’s important to address the issue before things escalate further. Untreated depression can not only be dangerous but can also have serious long-term impacts on the brain…

  • How To Get Kids To Listen Without Threatening

    As parents, it can be very difficult to get kids to listen without threatening them (such as threatening to ground them). Let’s face it: kids can be difficult. They’re often not receptive to your directions. But there are ways to get them to listen without threatening them.  In this context, threatening does not necessarily mean…

  • What is Attachment-based Parenting?

    Attachment-based parenting is a parenting philosophy based on the idea that children need their parents to be present and connected. This allows children to develop a sense of trust, security, competence, and empathy. The goal is raising children who are healthy and happy by giving them stable home environments where they feel safe enough to…

  • How To Help My Child Make Good Friends

    As a parent, you want to help your child make good, supportive friends. You want them to learn how to interact with others in positive ways and avoid people who will influence them in negative ways. However, it can be hard for parents to know what they can do to ensure that their child has…

  • How To Help Your Child With Self-Regulation

    It can be difficult to help your child with self-regulation. You want them to understand that their emotions are normal and that it’s okay for them to feel bad or low sometimes. However, you also don’t want them getting caught up in those negative feelings forever. Here are some ways you can help your child…

  • How To Get Your Child To Go To School

    School is an important part of your child’s life, and it creates opportunities for them to learn new things and make friends. But some kids can be reluctant to go to school or don’t want to do their schoolwork once they’re there. When children will not go to school it is a sign that the…

  • What is Parental Splitting and Why is It Dangerous?

    Parental splitting is becoming an increasingly common occurrence within families that have internal conflict. Parental splitting alludes to the ‘splitting’ or detachment of a child from one parent. In matters of divorce, this parent is usually the one that the child does not reside with, which is typically the father. If parental splitting gets to…

  • Why Parents Should Have Counseling If Their Kids Are

    It’s hard to navigate the complexities of parenting a struggling child. The task can feel daunting, scary, and overwhelming at times. It is normal for parents to question themselves and the best steps to take. And although caring for their own health and well-being may feel like a luxury during a crisis, parents maintain a…

  • Why Parents Should Avoid Allowing Their Child Electronics at Dinner

    The rise of technology and increase in busy schedules and lives are having a serious impact on children’s mental health and development. This is why its important parents should avoid allowing their child electronics at dinner. Children need multiple moments in a day where they receive undivided attention and love from their parents. Family mealtimes…

  • Why Is My Teenager Being So Mouthy?

    The teenage years are meant to serve as a bridge to becoming one’s own person. With their own ideas, thoughts, values and will. Parents may notice that their child becomes more ‘mouthy’ as they start to walk across this bridge. The journey to emerging adulthood can feel very messy for parents. As they come to…

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